Welcome to pyiqa’s documentation!

pyiqa is a image quality assessment toolbox with pure python and pytorch. We provide reimplementation of many mainstream full reference (FR) and no reference (NR) metrics (results are calibrated with official matlab scripts if exist). With GPU acceleration, most of our implementations are much faster than Matlab.

Basic Information

API Tools and References


If you find our codes helpful to your research, please consider to use the following citation:

  title={{IQA-PyTorch}: PyTorch Toolbox for Image Quality Assessment},
  author={Chaofeng Chen and Jiadi Mo},
  howpublished = "[Online]. Available: \url{https://github.com/chaofengc/IQA-PyTorch}"

Please also consider to cite our new work TOPIQ if it is useful to you:

      title={TOPIQ: A Top-down Approach from Semantics to Distortions for Image Quality Assessment},
      author={Chaofeng Chen and Jiadi Mo and Jingwen Hou and Haoning Wu and Liang Liao and Wenxiu Sun and Qiong Yan and Weisi Lin},

Indices and tables